Napster, Yahoo and XM Radio Compared
Napster, Yahoo and XM Radio Compared
Ever since Napster’s Super Bowl half-time commercial I have been thinking I should take another look at subscription based music services. I decided to try out Napster, Yahoo, and XM Radio services. Each service is different but they all give you some type of unlimited music each month for a monthly fee. […]
First, XM Radio is really not a contender in my mind. To pay $12.99 a month for only a 100 or 150 channels is way too limited. XM has the opportunity to add some original content that may bring subscribers but I don’t think they can make it against a Napster or Yahoo service.
Yahoo certainly seems to be the winner on price but I didn’t like their initial selection of music. Their Music Engine software wasn’t that impressive either but nobody is really winning in the category in my mind. I’ve also read and heard some things that make me believe that this low-low price will not last beyond the first year.
Napster is the winner in my mind – the interface isn’t great but it works well enough to get the music you want. The best thing about Napster is the music selection which I thought was very solid.
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